A service ComexPerú gives to its member companies free of additional charge and through which it answers its consultations on statistical information, regulatory issues, market access, international fairs, tax treatment, among other issues. Likewise, we offer statistical information online and tailored to the requirements of the member Company, at a preferential fee.
ComexPerú knows how important it is for a Company or organization to have tools for trade intelligence. Access to information specifically tailored to the needs of our member or client, will help it create value. Being aware of the environment and the competition allows us to make decisions, improve strategic plans and raise profits. ComexPerú regularly gives its members and external clients under specific contracts, the following reports:
ComexPerú holds updated detailed information on exports and imports from and into Perú since 1993 to the present day, and can identify in it, products, companies, countries, customs, values (in U$ and weight), among others. Our intelligence team prepares tailored reports specifying brands, models, presentations and other characteristics of the analyzed merchandise, to give strategic information to its members and clients.
ComexPerú also offers reports on economic sectors and Cuode. We hold important organized information on foreign trade carried out by Ecuador, Colombia, Chile Argentina, China and the U.S., that contributes to the analysis of trade operations in these and other countries.

Tariff classification: ComexPerú offers its members with the accurate tariff line of the product they offer.
Current Tariffs: ComexPerú offers its members information on current tariffs (NMF/SGP) charged by all countries.
ComexPerú analyzes the opportunities offered by al trade agreements in force for Perú and that set a preferential treatment, among others, in Canada, China, Chile, U.S., EFTA (Iceland, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Norway), South Korea, Japan and the European Union. We also analyze the opportunities featured in the agreements of others countries such as the Chile-China FTA, CAFTA, CARICOM, etc. These reports give our members instruments to secure advantages both to improve their market share as well as to enter new markets.
The analysis of these agreements and free trade agreements allows our members or client to have a correct interpretation and application of the rules contained in those instruments. ComexPerú can propose the member or client, strategies for taking advantage of those, following the characteristics of their business. These are designed based on statistical and commercial information we process, and the knowledge and experience in the use of these rules. Members of the ComexPerú team are professionals who conducted and negotiated trade agreements that Perú holds now.